{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Five (5) Supervisoral Districts of San Diego County adopted on December 14, 2021 with IRC approved technical changes on January 12, 2022.\n\nThis dataset is a geoprocessing work using identity and the County boundary and new (1/12/2022) BOS districts. The work consists of calculating the land area of the BOS districts (excluding the ocean areas off shore) and cleaning out the 72 edge match polygon slivers that were the result of using census tract data as the jurisdictional boundary for the County of San Diego. The resulting dataset finds and corrects the 72 slivers and assigns the 511 acres to the correct BOS districts. The final dataset is calculated as having 2,727,117 acres in output using geodesic area calculation and or 4,261 sq. miles of land area (which includes lakes, bays, estuaries, river mouths, etc.). This is the true and correct \u201csize\u201d of San Diego County jurisdictionally.", "description": "

Five (5) Supervisoral Districts of San Diego County<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

Redistricting takes place every 10 years after the federal census. District boundaries for federal, state and local elected offices are redrawn to reflect new population data and shifting populations. The County\u2019s district boundaries will change so the five County supervisors elected to represent those districts each serve about 650,000 residents and reflects the County\u2019s diverse population. Fourteen people were selected for the County's IRC. The process will act independently from the influence of the Board of Supervisors and reasonably represent the County\u2019s diversity.<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

On January 12, 2022, the IRC approved technical changes to the 2021 Redistricting Plan and Final Report adjusting boundaries of the supervisorial districts of the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors(https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/redistricting/2021-redistricting-plan-map1.html)<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

The Board adopted the redistricting ordinance on December 14, 2021 (https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/dam/sdc/redistricting/docs/ircmeetings/irc-meeting-12-14-21/Item%2005%20-%20Resolution%20Adopting%20Final%20Report%20re-%20Final%20Redistricting%20Plan%20-%20SIGNED.pdf)<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

The dataset was geoprocessed using SDE.JUR_COUNTY as the input and added to with the BOS districts from SDEP Atlantic. The input dataset was verified as having the correct features from the 1/12/2022 IRC District update. The geoprocessing function was IDENTITY using the JUR_COUNTY as the IDENTITY layer used to cut the DIST_SUPERVSIOR dataset. All data was downloaded to process in local FBGDB. The full size of the incorrect land area IRC dataset is 4525.8 sq. miles in area. This was reduced down 264.8 sq. miles to the true and correct county boundary size of 4261 sq. miles for the County of San Diego. This size removed the ocean areas (mentioned below). As discussed in the summary, there were at least 511 acres of land area incorrectly attributed to either no BOS District area or for having overlaps into surrounding Counties and Countries (Mexico). These errors all resulted from where the US Census data used in the BOS IRC linework was not in agreement with JUR_COUNTY (being on either side of any line in JUR_COUNTY is an error). All were corrected back to the be within and match exactly the County boundary and the actual vector line work (100% match). Interior linework or linework separating the boundaries between BOS districts 1-5 were not altered in anyway. Preserving these vectors preserves the spirit and intention of the IRC committee work to its original state. Areas in the ocean were removed from the BOS coastal district data as they confused the land use and land ownership values and distribution of area that is associated with the BOS districts. These ocean areas and all the original IRC linework are preserved with 100% fidelity in the DIST_SUPERVISOR SDE dataset at SanGIS.<\/SPAN><\/P>

The source work area for the output is:<\/SPAN><\/P>

(PROJECTS2//) Q:\\20220111_BOS_Districts_by_Municipal_Area_Zip_v1\\20220111_BOS_Districts_by_Municipal_Area_Zip_ArcPro<\/SPAN><\/P>

<\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "Five (5) Supervisoral Districts of San Diego County adopted on December 14, 2021 with IRC approved technical changes on January 12, 2022.\n\nThis dataset is a geoprocessing work using identity and the County boundary and new (1/12/2022) BOS districts. The work consists of calculating the land area of the BOS districts (excluding the ocean areas off shore) and cleaning out the 72 edge match polygon slivers that were the result of using census tract data as the jurisdictional boundary for the County of San Diego. The resulting dataset finds and corrects the 72 slivers and assigns the 511 acres to the correct BOS districts. The final dataset is calculated as having 2,727,117 acres in output using geodesic area calculation and or 4,261 sq. miles of land area (which includes lakes, bays, estuaries, river mouths, etc.). This is the true and correct \u201csize\u201d of San Diego County jurisdictionally.", "title": "SDEP.SANGIS.DIST_SUPERVISOR_NWW", "tags": [ "BOS", "Board of Supervisors", "SDE.DIST_SUPERVSIOR", "Land Area", "Cleaned", "Slivers", "4261 sq. miles", "County Boundary" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 500000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "LUEG-GIS Unit, Ross Paul Martin\nRedistricting Advisory Committee (RAC), County of San Diego Redistricting, 1600 Pacific Hwy, Room 201, San Diego, CA. 92101", "licenseInfo": "

These data should be used when geoprocessing and or counting up resources by Board of Supervisor District. For example, the question \"how many road miles of County maintained road exist in side of each BOS district?\" SHOULD be answered using this dataset because the IRC data will incorrectly report out less road mileage than what currently exists. These data should not be used when referencing the true and original IRC redistricting data for cartography. Those original data are available at SanGIS and replicated on numerous SDEs.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>" }