Name: TIF Eligible Roadway Segments
Display Field: IMPID
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: The Database was developed to provide CIP staff with an interactive tool that at shows the specific and accurate locations of each of the TIIF eligible roadway segments. The identified roadway improvements contained within the database match those summarized in Tables 4.1 and 4.2 of the County of San Diego TIF Transportation Needs Assessment Report, September 2012 (TNA). However, the actual roadway improvements contained within the database are broken down into smaller and more detailed segments. The following provides an explanation of the data contained: within each field of the G IS Database: ImpID –Improvement ID–Each TIF improvement listed in Tables 44.1 & 4.2 of the TNA, were assigned a specific improvement ID based on the CPA it t is located inn (letter) and its location on the improvement list (number). For example Stage Coach Lane between Mission Road and Reche Road has a designated improvement ID of F 6 because it is located in the Fallbrook CPA (F) and is the sixth improvement on the list (6). Sigrid –Segment ID –As mentioned previously, the Database breaks up the identified TTIF improvements, listed in Tables 4.1 & 4.2 of the TNA, into smaller more detailed segments. This field provides a unique number for each of the detailed segments within each improvement. Subreg –Sub-Region–Identifies the Sub-Region the improvement is located in. CPA_1 –Community Planning Area–Identifies the Community Planning Area the improvement is located in. Road–Identifies the name of the roadway the improvement is located on.Type–Identifies the type of facility the improvement is located on. Facility types are defined below: State Facilities-State facilities include any roadway facility within the unincorporated County of San Diego that is under the jurisdiction of Caltrans. RAS Facilities-RAS facilities are facilities under the jurisdiction of the County of San Diego which are identified in SAANDAG Regional Transportation Plan (R RTP), October 2011, as being regionally significant. County Regional Facilities-Regional facilities are defined as roadway facilities under the jurisdiction of the County of San Diego; classified d by the County’s ME as having four or more lanes (44.2B and above); and are not included in SANDAG’s regional arterial program. Local Facilities-Local facilities are defined as roadway facilities under the jurisdiction of the County of San Diego; classified by the County’s M E as having two lanes (2.11A and below); and are not included in SAANDAG’s regional arterial program. ExClass–Identified the Existing functional roadway classification, based on the former General Plan Guidelines. MEClass–Identified the Mobility Element classification of the roadway the improvement is located on. FrtCst–Cost of assumed frontage improvement on the specific roadway segment. If a portion of an identified TIF improvement fronts a developable parcel, as identified in the Land Available for Development for the Series 12 Regional Growth Forecast Map, SANDAGG February 20010, and has an associated land use designation which requires the developer to improve the fronting roadway to its ultimate ME Classification, the associated cost of this improvement was removed from the TTIF programTIF–Identifies the TIF funding available for the specific roadway segment.
Service Item Id: 3ca047eaae034f19b9f8ddd943f8fa5c
Copyright Text: FEHR & PEERS, 401 West A Street, Suite 900, San Diego CA 92010
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Supported Operations:
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Query Analytic
Generate Renderer
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