Description: Location identification grid polygon Shapefile for the County of San Diego, Department of Public Works, Special Districts Division. The geographic extent is the entire County of San Diego. Based upon 2009 Thomas Guide, San Diego County page grid with each original grid cell further divided into quadrants of NW, NE, SW and SE.
Service Item Id: 8c9bcf76959246afaaa71d3d14eee25b
Copyright Text: Rand McNally, County of San Diego, Department of Public Works, GIS Division.
Description: Updated June 5th, 2012This is the County of San Diego, Department of Public Works (DPW), Special Districts Division STREET_LIGHT_CN layer. Street lights in this inventory are represented as point features and included both County-maintained street lights, as well as street lights owned and maintained by San Diego Gas and Electric of which the County is billed for their operation.Attributes and CodingLabel: OBJECTIDDefinition: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.Label: ShapeDefinition: Feature geometry.Label: LOCATIONDefinition: Locational description of street light. The first portion of the description identifies the street the light exist at (@), or from (N/0 being north of, S/O being south of, etc.), a named cross street. This is followed by a distance in feet from the said cross street's centerline, followed by a desciption of what side of the street or intersection the light is found (NE/S being northeast side, for example). Street names use County Maintained Roads Layer naming convention.Label: ADDRESSDefinition: Site address, where available. Based on site address of nearest parcel and County Maintained roads naming convention.Label: BASE_MAPDefinition: Original mylar base maps index numbers (no longer maintained).Label: PROJECTDefinition: The project name associated with street light installation.Label: RATEDefinition: Rate classification SDGE / Sempra Energy charges the County of San DiegoLabel: OWNERDefinition: Owner and maintainer of street light.Label: LAMPDefinition: Classification type of lamp (code and description by Special Districts), Lamp attributes and description for some specified types currently under field check and revision):Lamp Description10S 100 watt HPS (high pressure sodium14T 55 watt LPS (low pressure sodium)16S 150 watt HPS (high pressure sodium)22T 135 watt LPS (low pressure sodium)30S 250 watt HPS (high pressure sodium)33T 180 watt LPS (low pressure sodium)50W 50 watt HPS (high pressure sodium)16T Possibly no longer existing, Under field review30T Possibly no longer existing. Under field reviewLabel: BURNDefinition: The date the street light was activated.Label: POLENODefinition: SDGE/Sempra Energy street light numbering system.Label: LUMINAIRE Definition: The fixture type mounted on the street light pole.Label: POLE_TYPEDefinition: Pole type defined by primarily by material used. Where a luminare is not mounted on a pole, the pole type is identified as a 'roof mount' or other special case classification.Label: LOC_IDDefinition: Unique street light identifying number used by the County of San Diego.Label: TB_PAGEDefinition: Street light location based on Thomas Guide page number. To be used with TB_GRID attribute.Label: TB_GRIDDefinition: Street light location based on Thomas Guide alphanumeric grid reference system. Used in conjunction with TB_Page.Label: RDNAMEFULLDefinition: Complete road name the street light is located on including prefixes and suffixes. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventions. Label: XROADFULLDefinition: Complete crossroad name the street light is located from, or at (@), in the case of intersection location, including prefixes and suffixes. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventionsLabel: RDNAMEPREDDefinition: Prefix of the street name if existing, as an element of RDNAMEFULL, typically a cardinal direction. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventions.Label: RDNAMEDefinition: Road name only, as an element of RDNAMEFULL without prefix or suffix, that the streetlight is located on. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventions.Label: XROADPREDDefinition: Prefix of the crossroad, as an element of XROADFULL, typically a cardinal direction. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventions.Label: XROADDefinition: Crossroad name only, as an element of XROADFULL, without prefix or suffix, that the streetlight is located from. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventions.Label: FEATUREDefinition: The feature type the data represents. Most often as a street lights, however this attribute has contained other types serving to assist in the editting process.Label: RDNAMESFXDefinition: Road name suffix only, as an element of RDNAMEFULL. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventionsLabel: COMMENT_Definition: Note regarding feature.Label: XROADSFX Definition: Crossroad name suffix only, as an element of XROADFULL. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventions.Label: ST_LIGHT_NDefinition: Street light number. Numbers physically located on poles. Currently not in use.Label: ST_DISTDefinition: Street District numeric classification system, associated with ST_DIST_NM, that a street light falls within. Boundary and attribute source is the SANGIS.DIST_STREET_DISTRICTS layer and STREETDIST column. Where a street light falls outside a Street District, the code is an abbreviation of the surrounding municipality, based upon the SanGIS.JUR_CNTY layer. Street Districts further partitions areas of Division 1 and Division 2 boundaries into commonly-recognized location names with standardized boundaries, assisting in the management of work projects.Label: ST_DIST_NMDefinition: Street District name that a street light falls within. Boundary and attribute source is the SANGIS.DIST_STREET_DISTRICTS layer and NAME column.Where a street light falls outside a Street District, the municipality is named based upon the SanGIS JUR_CNTY layer Street Districts further partitions areas of Division 1 and Division 2 boundaries into commonly-recognized location names with standarized boundaries, assisting in the management of work projects. Label: PICTUREDefinition: Identification as to whether or not GPS-enabled photographs of the streetlight were taken.Label: AS_BUILTSDefinition: Name of Tentative Parcel Maps, Tentative Subdivision Maps and other source documents, edited by Special Districts indicating location of street light and associated elements thereof. Serves as hotlink to digital copies of these documents.Label: ASBLT_FILE Definition: Digital file(s) associated with AS_BUILTS document name and hotlink.Label: ASBUILT_CH Definition: Internal-use verification field assoicated with workflow of as-built file additions.Label: QUADDefinition: A subgrid based upon the Thomas Guide alphanumeric grid (TB_GRID), used for the Dig-Alert System. Each TB_GRID cell is divided into four quadrants where the northwest quadrant = 1, northeast quadrant = 2, southwest quadrant = 3 and the southeast quadrant = 4.
Service Item Id: 8c9bcf76959246afaaa71d3d14eee25b
Copyright Text: County of San Diego, Department of Public Works, Special Districts Division.
County of San Diego, Department of Planning and Land Use, LUEG-GIS.
Description: Updated June 5th, 2012This is the County of San Diego, Department of Public Works (DPW), Special Districts Division STREET_LIGHT_CN layer. Street lights in this inventory are represented as point features and included both County-maintained street lights, as well as street lights owned and maintained by San Diego Gas and Electric of which the County is billed for their operation.Attributes and CodingLabel: OBJECTIDDefinition: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.Label: ShapeDefinition: Feature geometry.Label: LOCATIONDefinition: Locational description of street light. The first portion of the description identifies the street the light exist at (@), or from (N/0 being north of, S/O being south of, etc.), a named cross street. This is followed by a distance in feet from the said cross street's centerline, followed by a desciption of what side of the street or intersection the light is found (NE/S being northeast side, for example). Street names use County Maintained Roads Layer naming convention.Label: ADDRESSDefinition: Site address, where available. Based on site address of nearest parcel and County Maintained roads naming convention.Label: BASE_MAPDefinition: Original mylar base maps index numbers (no longer maintained).Label: PROJECTDefinition: The project name associated with street light installation.Label: RATEDefinition: Rate classification SDGE / Sempra Energy charges the County of San DiegoLabel: OWNERDefinition: Owner and maintainer of street light.Label: LAMPDefinition: Classification type of lamp (code and description by Special Districts), Lamp attributes and description for some specified types currently under field check and revision):Lamp Description10S 100 watt HPS (high pressure sodium14T 55 watt LPS (low pressure sodium)16S 150 watt HPS (high pressure sodium)22T 135 watt LPS (low pressure sodium)30S 250 watt HPS (high pressure sodium)33T 180 watt LPS (low pressure sodium)50W 50 watt HPS (high pressure sodium)16T Possibly no longer existing, Under field review30T Possibly no longer existing. Under field reviewLabel: BURNDefinition: The date the street light was activated.Label: POLENODefinition: SDGE/Sempra Energy street light numbering system.Label: LUMINAIRE Definition: The fixture type mounted on the street light pole.Label: POLE_TYPEDefinition: Pole type defined by primarily by material used. Where a luminare is not mounted on a pole, the pole type is identified as a 'roof mount' or other special case classification.Label: LOC_IDDefinition: Unique street light identifying number used by the County of San Diego.Label: TB_PAGEDefinition: Street light location based on Thomas Guide page number. To be used with TB_GRID attribute.Label: TB_GRIDDefinition: Street light location based on Thomas Guide alphanumeric grid reference system. Used in conjunction with TB_Page.Label: RDNAMEFULLDefinition: Complete road name the street light is located on including prefixes and suffixes. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventions. Label: XROADFULLDefinition: Complete crossroad name the street light is located from, or at (@), in the case of intersection location, including prefixes and suffixes. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventionsLabel: RDNAMEPREDDefinition: Prefix of the street name if existing, as an element of RDNAMEFULL, typically a cardinal direction. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventions.Label: RDNAMEDefinition: Road name only, as an element of RDNAMEFULL without prefix or suffix, that the streetlight is located on. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventions.Label: XROADPREDDefinition: Prefix of the crossroad, as an element of XROADFULL, typically a cardinal direction. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventions.Label: XROADDefinition: Crossroad name only, as an element of XROADFULL, without prefix or suffix, that the streetlight is located from. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventions.Label: FEATUREDefinition: The feature type the data represents. Most often as a street lights, however this attribute has contained other types serving to assist in the editting process.Label: RDNAMESFXDefinition: Road name suffix only, as an element of RDNAMEFULL. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventionsLabel: COMMENT_Definition: Note regarding feature.Label: XROADSFX Definition: Crossroad name suffix only, as an element of XROADFULL. Uses County Maintained Road naming conventions.Label: ST_LIGHT_NDefinition: Street light number. Numbers physically located on poles. Currently not in use.Label: ST_DISTDefinition: Street District numeric classification system, associated with ST_DIST_NM, that a street light falls within. Boundary and attribute source is the SANGIS.DIST_STREET_DISTRICTS layer and STREETDIST column. Where a street light falls outside a Street District, the code is an abbreviation of the surrounding municipality, based upon the SanGIS.JUR_CNTY layer. Street Districts further partitions areas of Division 1 and Division 2 boundaries into commonly-recognized location names with standardized boundaries, assisting in the management of work projects.Label: ST_DIST_NMDefinition: Street District name that a street light falls within. Boundary and attribute source is the SANGIS.DIST_STREET_DISTRICTS layer and NAME column.Where a street light falls outside a Street District, the municipality is named based upon the SanGIS JUR_CNTY layer Street Districts further partitions areas of Division 1 and Division 2 boundaries into commonly-recognized location names with standarized boundaries, assisting in the management of work projects. Label: PICTUREDefinition: Identification as to whether or not GPS-enabled photographs of the streetlight were taken.Label: AS_BUILTSDefinition: Name of Tentative Parcel Maps, Tentative Subdivision Maps and other source documents, edited by Special Districts indicating location of street light and associated elements thereof. Serves as hotlink to digital copies of these documents.Label: ASBLT_FILE Definition: Digital file(s) associated with AS_BUILTS document name and hotlink.Label: ASBUILT_CH Definition: Internal-use verification field assoicated with workflow of as-built file additions.Label: QUADDefinition: A subgrid based upon the Thomas Guide alphanumeric grid (TB_GRID), used for the Dig-Alert System. Each TB_GRID cell is divided into four quadrants where the northwest quadrant = 1, northeast quadrant = 2, southwest quadrant = 3 and the southeast quadrant = 4.
Copyright Text: County of San Diego, Department of Public Works, Special Districts Division.
County of San Diego, Department of Planning and Land Use, LUEG-GIS.
Description: This GIS layer is a work in-progress and at this time does not reflect the entire Zone A Street Light Districts inventory. A tabular inventory of DPW Special District's Zone A Street Light Districts, identified by APN, is run against the sangis.parcels_all layer. Some APNs of Zone A properties do not find matching APNs within sangis.parcels_all. These non-matches are accounted for and integrated at a later date.The parcel layer used was captured on July 5th 2011, the same date a KIVA pull was provided to consultants to DPW Special Districts for Street Light Zone A for pre-GIS processing. Source materials delivered by consultant dated 10/27/10. DPLU GIS uses the same snapshot date for development of the Street Lights Zone A layer, as well as this layer, avoiding potential non-matches or boundary inconsistencies due to parcel splits, additions, or realignments.Attributes and CodingLabel: OBJECTID. Definition: Internal feature numberLabel: OBJECTID_1. Definition: Internal feature number. Associated with Geodatabase importLabel: Shape. Definition: Feature geometryLabel: APN. Definition: Assessor Parcel Number (APN) - 10 digitLabel: APN_8. Definition: Assessor Parcel Number -First 8 digitsLabel: APN_FMT. Definition: Assessor Parcel Number (APN) - 10 digit number plus hyphens Label: PARCELID. Definition: SanGIS internal Parcel ID numberLabel: ACREAGE. Definition: Assessor parcel acreage over .25 acres (blank if smaller)Label: X_COORD. Definition: X coordinate for approximate parcel centroidLabel: Y_COORD. Definition: Y coordinate for approximate parcel centroidLabel: ZONE. Definition: Street Lighting District Zone A. Consisting of all properties previously in the San Diego County Maintenance Districts No. 1, 2, and 3, all development projects that are required to annex into the Zone and properties that have petitioned and were approved for lighting servicesLabel: ASSESSEDLA. Description: Assessed Land. Assessed Land Value for the parcel from the County Secured RollLabel: ASSESSEDST. Description: Assessed Structure. Structure Value for the parcel from the County Secured RollLabel: ASSESSEDTO. Description: Assessed Total. Total Assessed Value of Land plus StructureLabel: UNASSESSED. Description: Non-taxable, or Confirmed Zero PropertiesLabel: LUC. Definition: Land Use Code. Assessor Land Use Information. ASR_LANDUS (Land Use) attributes in sangis.parcels_all. See Assessor sangis.parcels_all metadata for coding or Attribute LUC Codeset Domain of this document.Label: ANNEX_YEAR. Definition: Annexation year. Fiscal Year of Parcel Annexation (Note: Starting in 2009-10)Label: DU. Definition: Dwelling Unit. Any building or portion thereof which contains living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation, for not more than one familyLabel: EBU. Definition: Equivalent Benefit Unit. Most common unit of assessment. For the Street Lighting District, assessments are based on number of trips per day generated by each land use relative to a single-family residence, which is assigned one Benefit UnitLabel: CHARGE. Charge as dollar amount. Properties benefiting from lighting are in Zone A of the District and are charged an annual assessment for operation and maintenance of the lights. Assessments are based on traffic generation rates relative to a single-family home, which is assigned one benefit unit. The Current rate is $2.50 annually per benefit unit. The Board may approve changes in the assessment rate. The maximum voter-approved rate is $25 per benefit unitLabel: NOTE. Description: text entry area for varied notationsLabel: Shape_Length. Definition: Shape Length. Sum length of each parcel polygon’s sides, in U.S. feet. Internally-generatedLabel: Shape_Area. Definition: Shape Area. Area within of each parcel polygon, expressed in square feet. Internally-generated
Service Item Id: 8c9bcf76959246afaaa71d3d14eee25b
Copyright Text: County of San Diego, Department of Planning and Land Use / LUEG-GIS. Department of Public Works, Special Districts Unit.
Description: This dataset comprises points for street name signson roads maintained by San Diego County. Street name signinformation was collected from recorded documents and information provided by Hansen. All features have a unique ID that corresponds to the county's asset management system, Accela. The features real-life locations are verified by the San Diego County Department of Public Works and the most recent street-level imagery from Google Maps and Bing Maps. The layer contains features located on public roads and in some cases private roads. Public road names in the features' attributes aren't always the official names as maintained by the addressing authority for the jurisdiction in which the road is located. Official road names may not match the common or local name used to identify the road (e.g. State Route 94 is the official name of certain road segments commonly referred to as Campo Road).Private roads on which these features may be located are either named or unnamed. Named private roads are as shown on official recorded documents or as directed by the addressing authority for the jurisdiction in which the road is located. Unnamed private roads are included where requested by the local jurisdiction or by SanGIS JPA members (primarily emergency response dispatch agencies). Roads corresponding to the features in this layer are comprised of road segments that are individually identified by a unique, and persistent, ID (ROAD_SEG_ID) found in the ROADS_SEGMENTS layer. Maintained to and from measurements for the features are in relation to the start of the road segment they're located on. Roads segments are terminated where they intersect with each other, at jurisdictional boundaries (i.e. city limits), certain census tract and law beat boundaries, at locations where road names change, and at other locations as required by SanGIS JPA members. Each road segment terminates at an intersection point that can be found in the ROADS_INTERSECTION layer.
Service Item Id: 8c9bcf76959246afaaa71d3d14eee25b
Copyright Text: LUEG-GIS, County of San Diego, Department of Public Works, County of San Diego Planning and Development Services
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: This dataset comprises line segments for curb markings on roads maintained by San Diego County. Curb marking information was collected from recorded documents and information provided by Hansen. All features have a unique ID that corresponds to the county's asset management system, Accela. The features real-life locations are verified by the San Diego County Department of Public Works and the most recent street-level imagery from Google Maps and Bing Maps.The layer contains features located on public roads and in some cases private roads. Public road names in the features' attributes aren't always the official names as maintained by the addressing authority for the jurisdiction in which the road is located. Official road names may not match the common or local name used to identify the road (e.g. State Route 94 is the official name of certain road segments commonly referred to as Campo Road).Private roads on which these features may be locatedare either named or unnamed. Named private roads are as shown on official recorded documents or as directed by the addressing authority for the jurisdiction in which the road is located. Unnamed private roads are included where requested by the local jurisidiction or by SanGIS JPA members (primarily emergency response dispatch agencies). Roads corresponding to the features in this layer are comprised of road segments that are individually identified by a unique, and persistent, ID (ROAD_SEG_ID) found in the ROADS_SEGMENTS layer. Maintained to and from measurements for the features are in relation to the start of the road segment they're located on. Roads segments are terminated where they intersect with each other, at jurisdictional boundaries (i.e. city limits), certain census tract and law beat boundaries, at locations where road names change, and at other locations as required by SanGIS JPA members. Each road segment terminates at an intersection point that can be found in the ROADS_INTERSECTION layer.
Service Item Id: 8c9bcf76959246afaaa71d3d14eee25b
Copyright Text: LUEG-GIS, County of San Diego, Department of Public Works, County of San Diego Planning and Development Services
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: The URBAN_BNDRY file is vector data representing the current 2009 Caltrans urban area boundaries in California. These boundaries were derived from the year 2000 Census urban area boundaries, the old 1990 Caltrans urban area boundaries, and approved district and headquarters urban area adjustments.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SHARED_ROAD, length: 100
, Coded Values:
, ...17 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SHARED_ROAD, length: 100
, Coded Values:
, ...17 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SHARED_ROAD, length: 100
, Coded Values:
, ...17 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SHARED_ROAD, length: 100
, Coded Values:
, ...17 more...
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 9 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: Z_roads are roads previously, but no longer inventoried in the Road Register, believed to be roads that the public has a right to travel on, but not part of the County road system and not maintained by the County.
Color: [237, 117, 48, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 11 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: These are flowlines from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), clipped to San Diego County, buffered by 200 ft, and reprojected to Ca State Plane NAD 83 Feet Zone 6.This layer is somewhat special purpose to enable road crews to identify areas of road where certain operations may be restricted due to proximity to water bodiesThe National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's surface water drainage system. NHD data was originally developed at 1:100,000-scale and exists at that scale for the whole country. This high-resolution NHD, generally developed at 1:24,000/1:12,000 scale, adds detail to the original 1:100,000-scale NHD. (Data for Alaska, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands was developed at high-resolution, not 1:100,000 scale.) Local resolution NHD is being developed where partners and data exist. The NHD contains reach codes for networked features, flow direction, names, and centerline representations for areal water bodies. Reaches are also defined on waterbodies and the approximate shorelines of the Great Lakes, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico. The NHD also incorporates the National Spatial Data Infrastructure framework criteria established by the Federal Geographic Data Committee.
Description: These are waterbodies from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), clipped to San Diego County, buffered by 200 ft, and reprojected to Ca State Plane NAD 83 Feet Zone 6.This layer is somewhat special purpose to enable road crews to identify areas of road where certain operations may be restricted due to proximity to water bodiesThe National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's surface water drainage system. NHD data was originally developed at 1:100,000-scale and exists at that scale for the whole country. This high-resolution NHD, generally developed at 1:24,000/1:12,000 scale, adds detail to the original 1:100,000-scale NHD. (Data for Alaska, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands was developed at high-resolution, not 1:100,000 scale.) Local resolution NHD is being developed where partners and data exist. The NHD contains reach codes for networked features, flow direction, names, and centerline representations for areal water bodies. Reaches are also defined on waterbodies and the approximate shorelines of the Great Lakes, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico. The NHD also incorporates the National Spatial Data Infrastructure framework criteria established by the Federal Geographic Data Committee.
Color: [120, 120, 120, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none