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Item Information

snippet: CINA and CIP polys turned into points for a general idea of projects in Supervisor Districts, to be used in story map.
summary: CINA and CIP polys turned into points for a general idea of projects in Supervisor Districts, to be used in story map.
extent: [[-117.282384802259,32.6031115249611],[-116.185378057582,33.4171372643354]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Feature Service","ArcGIS Server","Feature Access","providerSDS"]
description: Capital Improvements Projects (CIP) and Capital Improvements Needs Assessment (CINA).  Project is to show CIP projects in relationship to Supervisor district and underserved communities.  At the moment Underserved communities' data is not publicly available. Project boundaries were converted to points for easy to view representation on the unincorporated county scale.  There are about 30 County wide initiatives that may or may not be represented in webmap or story map. The webmap has the intention of being publicly available. With the 30 county wide initiatives every time you clicked on a project over 30 projects would appear in the pop-up menu. So, the county wide initiatives may be displayed in another way for the public to view.
title: CIP Points
type: Feature Service
tags: ["CIP","CINA","CIP 5 YEAR","DPW CIP"]
culture: en-US
name: CIP_Points
guid: A116023D-04E2-4C1C-9E2E-B82CC55B32BF
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_California_VI_FIPS_0406_Feet