Description: California State Assembly boudaries that was adopted for the June 2012 primary elections. The data was reprojected into SanGIS standard projection and clipped to the County of San Diego.
Service Item Id: 51101e60f08e4d3290c05f23321e1ab2
Copyright Text: California Citizens Resdistricting Commission -
Description: California State Senate boudaries that was adopted for the June 2012 primary elections. The data was reprojected into SanGIS standard projection and clipped to the County of San Diego.
Service Item Id: 51101e60f08e4d3290c05f23321e1ab2
Copyright Text: California Citizens Resdistricting Commission -
Description: Every 10 years, after the federal census, California must redraw the boundaries of its Congressional, State Senate, State Assembly, and State Board of Equalization districts, to reflect the new population data. Now those lines are drawn by the Commission. California voters authorized the creation of the Commission when they passed the Voters First Act, which appeared as Proposition 11 on the November 2008 general election ballot. Under the Act, the Commission is charged with drawing the boundaries of California’s Congressional, Senate, Assembly and Board of Equalization electoral districts.The commission has14 members from varied ethnic backgrounds and geographic locations in the state and includes five Democrats, five Republicans, and four Decline to State.